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.Thursday, August 25, 2011 ' 10:45 PM

Part F : Credits and Acknowledgement

Resources : Wikipedia

Photographs : Sheryl HuiQi JiaXun

Write up of Part A : HuiQi

Part B : Sheryl

Part C : JiaXun

Part D : Cassandra

Part E : JiaXun

Part F : Sheryl

Blog Skin, Design : Sheryl


. ' 9:17 PM

Part E- conservation efforts at JLP

For aqu
As you see in the picture above, it shows a sign saying the most important thing,: DO NOT LITTER, best if we pick up litters we see. Litters like plastic bags might cause severe problems, leading all the way to us. If a piece of plastic bag is blown into the lake. some fishes might mistake it for some delicious food, and hence tries to gobble it down, nut by the time the fishes realises its mistake, its too late. They are suffocated to death.
there are also some subsequent signs warning that dogs should always be leashed, no feeding of fishes allowed and lastly, no fishing allowed. Dogs should always be leashed as dogs like to run around and sometimes jump into the lake to swim. Dogs jumping into the water might introduce unknown bacteria to the water. Aquatic lives that consumes this water might not be immune to it and hence, falls sick and dies, affecting the food chain and the eco-system. Secondly, feeding of fishes is not allowed as some fishes are not used to artificial food. If people continues ti feed food to the fishes this way, they would loose their ability to find food for themselves, and hence they would come to the shore and wait for the food to drop into the water and fill up their stomach.
***Lastly, the NO FISHING ALLOWED in explanation is that when you fish near the shore, you would have higher chance of falling in to the water, and lesser chance to catch a fish. :P

For land:
Many cleaning-ups can be spotted doing so everyday. This is to ensure the cleanliness of the park. Many Hi-Technology equipment are used by the workers to ease the job, and to clean larger area using lesser time, compared to original methods used-sweeping.

In our opinion, we think that the authorities are really putting efforts to keep the park clean, but many park users just do not know how to appreciate these efforts. We suggests to double the punishments so that they do not dare to break the rules again.


. ' 8:45 PM

Part C :Impact of man on Jurong Lake park

These animals that lives under this habitat are just like us, humans. They knows how to help each other in one way or another. One example is that the leaves found in the picture above provides shade during hot days for the ants. The tree roots provide shelter and protection during wet weathers and thunderstorms. This community shows how careful the animals living in one community helps each other, if one of it collapses, the entire community would meet troubles.


. ' 7:42 PM

Part D: Impact of man on Jurong lake park

There's some human activities happening in jurong lake park, and it has cause an impact on the park.

Oil Pollution

As you can see the two pictures on top which is found at the jurong lake park,there is a layer of oil floating on top of the water.the oils from factories/hawker centres from the nearby district are flowed down to the drains in the park.Wild birds may fly down to get a drink but this will poison the bird and will eventually die of poison.if this continues the population of the birds will decrease and the ecosystem in the park will fall.


the pictures on top shows the litters found at the side of the bay.Many say that they cannot find any dust bin around and just throw on the ground to quickly get rid of the rubbish.it will be a breeding ground for disease-causing insects and rodents and it will leave a bad impression for tourists who come and look at the park.the aquatic organism in the lake might thought that one of the litters is their food and eat it.it will choke the fish and die.The number of fishes in the lake will gradually decrease.


the above pictures show the man fishing by the lake.if man were to keep on fishing like that, the species of fish in the water will slowly decrease,OVERFISHING.they should stop fishing before all the fishes are gone.save the fishes by stopping people fishing by the lake.

The above impacts of man on jurong lake park will affect the ecosystem and cause many negative impact on the park.we should try stopping the people who destroying our park.Save our environment in jurong lake park!(:


.Wednesday, August 24, 2011 ' 5:01 AM

Part B : Grouping and Naming Organisms

As we went around Jurong Lake Park, we saw many many different types of living things living under the Jurong Lake Park eco-system.


The picture above shows the apple snail's eggs.

Scientific Name: Pomacea canaliculata
Phylum or Division: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda
Order: Mesogastropoda
Family: Ampullariidae

The picture above shows the cicada.
Scientific name :

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Cicadidae

The above picture shows the dragonfly.

Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Arthopoda
Class : Insecta
Order : Odonata

Families : Libellulidae

Plants :

The picture above shows a husk of the pongpong. Which tells us that the pongpong tree is present in Jurong Lake Park.

Scientific name : Cerbera odollam

Kingdom : Plantae

Order : Gentianales

Family : Apocynaneae

Genus : Cerbera

The above picture shows the Ixora plant

Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Giantanalas

Family: Rubiaceae

Part B Written by: Sheryl

Part A Photos by: Sheryl.


.Tuesday, August 23, 2011 ' 10:44 PM

Part A : Introduction to JLP
Do you know
of any fresh water lake and reservoir in Singapore? Well, if you do not know, there is one located at Jurong Lake Park. Jurong Lake Park is a beautiful park with many different trees flowers and many animals like birds and fishes. It also have a 2.8 kilometer water promanade along Jurong Lake Park that would allow residents to participate in watersports!

This trip to Jurong Lake Park allowed us to learn a lot.We were happy to be able to see many different kind of flowers, trees and also some animals. We also got the chance to see some apple snail's eggs. For most of us, it was our first time seeing it, thus we felt very suprise of its look while at the same time, excited.However, we also noticed that there are many litters found on the grass and in the water. Some area of the park has a few tree clumps left on the ground.
We wish that people would cherish Jurong Lake Park as some of the animals which are found in the past are not found now because of the different pollution that humans have caused.


About Us!

HuiQi, Sheryl, Cassandra, Jiaxun
Hi there, we are basically students from JurongSecondarySchool doing research on Biology of Jurong Lake Park, studing the eco-system. Talk to us using the chatbox for any enquires / feedback (:


